Monday, May 3, 2010

The coming season

There is nothing to be said
That could sway the coming season
Naked, tree-like, thin we stand
Stripped of bark and reason

The rutted road that took us here
Grown with underfed intention
Wildly we took smaller steps
Stumbling forward without convention

We played around in pre-formed masks
Pulled fancy wool over grape-skinned eyes
Followed Pollyanna in her pinstriped suit
Drank Kool-Aid until we lost our minds

Maybe it is time to stop eating meat
Go vegan and start making sense
Light the candles each Friday night
Celebrate the value of each week spent

It’s almost time for our trip to the woods
Alone each must seek his chosen spot
A small space to collect one's thoughts
Await the coming of the final day

Enhanced by Zemanta


Singer said...

"Naked, tree-like, thin we stand
Stripped of bark and reason"

i love that.

davidrheins said...

Thank you, Singer. Glad you stopped by, and very much appreciate the comments.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

wonderful lines,
Cool to see your poem!

davidrheins said...

Much appreciated, Jingle.

And thanks again for the many awards you've given me! I'm flattered.