Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hurricane Colts

A corn country wind

Hurricane Colts heads down South

Blue skies for Blue Crew


Murph said...

Nice haikus Dave! You inspired me:

The Blue Wave hits hard
Don’t cry Saints it’s all over
The Colts will crush you

davidrheins said...

You're a poet
and you didn't know it..

or maybe you did!

This is great. I hope you'll continue to post until Sunday!

jingle said...

loved the timeless photo,

welcome in my Rally,
thank U for the support. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice haikus, I tried to write one, didn't work out. It matches your picture. wonderful!
Gerardine Baugh

Brian Miller said...

nicely done! should be a good game...i hope!

davidrheins said...

Thanks Jingle. Yes, a great Colts foto destined to be a classic.

Thanks gbaugh, send in the haiku anyway, the more the merrier.

Appreciate it, Brian. I'm looking forward to the game on Sunday. As you'll see on today's post, I've got the jersey, the beer, the whole deal...I'm ready, already!