Monday, July 25, 2011

Live Transport

Chicken Truck on I-70, originally uploaded by DRheins.
Dreaming of free range

you drive from farmland to coast

stuck in a cluck truck

Friday, July 22, 2011

The coldest winter I ever spent...

Deception Falls, WA

Is it summertime?

Why so cold? Where's hot sunshine?

Seattle chill zone

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Becoming West Coast

Folk Art, Dick and Jane's Spot, originally uploaded by DRheins.
I am becoming so west coast
Sporting my Birkenstocks all year long
Living layered in fleece and cargo shorts
My face grows free every day or so
Wild hairs left to wave untrimmed

I am changing my uptight east coast ways
Adjusting my face to meet new folks
A Seattle freeze now chills my heart
Walks with me thru ever-damp streets
I sip my espresso slow these days
and await the coming of the precious sun
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Uncle Sam sends his regards this Independence Day, from Dick and Jane's Spot in Ellensburg, WA.

If you're ever in Central Washington (east of the Cascades), you've gotta visit this great folk art house. This is one great roadside attraction. I just couldn't stop snapping way with my handy iPhone.  Please check out my Flickr pics here.
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